JSON Functions
Nette\Utils\Json is a static class with JSON encoding and decoding functions. It handles vulnerabilities in different PHP versions and throws exceptions on errors.
composer require nette/utils
All examples assume the following class alias is defined:
use Nette\Utils\Json;
encode (mixed $value, bool $pretty=false, bool $asciiSafe=false, bool $htmlSafe=false, bool $forceObjects=false): string
Converts $value
to JSON format.
When $pretty
is set, it formats JSON for easier reading and clarity:
Json::encode($value); // returns JSON
Json::encode($value, pretty: true); // returns clearer JSON
When $asciiSafe
is set, it generates ASCII output, i.e. it replaces the unicode characters with
Json::encode('žluťoučký', asciiSafe: true);
// '"\u017elu\u0165ou\u010dk\u00fd"'
The $htmlSafe
parameter ensures that the output does not contain characters with special meaning in HTML:
Json::encode('one<two & three', htmlSafe: true);
// '"one\u003Ctwo \u0026 three"'
With $forceObjects
, even arrays with numeric keys will be encoded as JavaScript objects:
Json::encode(['a', 'b', 'c']);
// '["a","b","c"]'
Json::encode(['a', 'b', 'c'], forceObjects: true);
// '{"0":"a","1":"b","2":"c"}'
It throws an Nette\Utils\JsonException
exception on error.
try {
$json = Json::encode($value);
} catch (Nette\Utils\JsonException $e) {
// Exception handling
decode (string $json, bool $forceArray=false): mixed
Parses JSON to PHP.
Setting $forceArray
forces the return of arrays instead of objects:
Json::decode('{"variable": true}'); // returns an object of type stdClass
Json::decode('{"variable": true}', forceArray: true); // returns an array
It throws an Nette\Utils\JsonException
exception on error.
try {
$value = Json::decode($json);
} catch (Nette\Utils\JsonException $e) {
// Exception handling
How to Send a JSON from a Presenter?
You can use the $this->sendJson($data)
method, which can be called, for example, in the action*()
method, see Sending a Response.