Configuring Application

Overview of configuration options for the Nette Application.


	# shows "Nette Application" panel in Tracy BlueScreen?
	debugger: ...           # (bool) defaults to true

	# will error-presenter be called on error?
	# has effect only in developer mode
	catchExceptions: ...    # (bool) defaults to true

	# name of error-presenter
	errorPresenter: Error   # (string|array) defaults to 'Nette:Error'

	# defines aliases for presenters and events
	aliases: ...

	# defines the rules for resolving the presenter name to a class
	mapping: ...

	# do bad links generate warnings?
	# has effect only in developer mode
	silentLinks: ...        # (bool) defaults to false

As of nette/application version 3.2 it is possible to define a pair of error-presenters:

		4xx: Error4xx   # for Nette\Application\BadRequestException
		5xx: Error5xx   # for other exceptions

Option silentLinks determines how Nette behaves in developer mode when link generation fails (for example, because there is no presenter, etc). The default value false means that Nette triggers E_USER_WARNING. Setting to true suppresses this error message. In a production environment, E_USER_WARNING is always invoked. We can also influence this behavior by setting the presenter variable $invalidLinkMode.

Aliases simplify referencing frequently used presenters.

The mapping defines the rules by which the class name is derived from the presenter name.

Automatic Registration of Presenters

Nette automatically adds presenters as services to the DI container, which significantly speeds up their creation. How Nette finds out presenters can be configured:

	# to look for presenters in Composer class map?
	scanComposer: ...      # (bool) defaults to true

	# a mask that must match the class and file name
	scanFilter: ...        # (string) defaults to '*Presenter'

	# in which directories to look for presenters?
	scanDirs:              # (string[]|false) defaults to '%appDir%'
		- %vendorDir%/mymodule

The directories listed in scanDirs do not override the default value %appDir%, but complement it, so scanDirs will contain both paths %appDir% and %vendorDir%/mymodule. If we want to overwrite the default directory, we use exclamation mark:

		- %vendorDir%/mymodule

Directory scanning can be turned off by setting false. We do not recommend completely suppressing the automatic addition of presenters, otherwise application performance will be reduced.


This setting globally affects the behavior of Latte in components and presenters.

	# shows Latte panel in the Tracy Bar for the main template (true) or for all components (all)?
	debugger: ...        # (true|false|'all') defaults to true

	# generates templates with declare(strict_types=1)
	strictTypes: ...     # (bool) defaults to false

	# enables [strict parser mode |latte:develop#strict mode]
	strictParsing: ...   # (bool) default is false

	# enables [checking generated code |latte:develop#Checking Generated Code]
	phpLinter: ...       # (string) default is null

	# sets the locale
	locale: cs_CZ        # (string) default is null

	# class of $this->template
	templateClass: App\MyTemplateClass # defaults to Nette\Bridges\ApplicationLatte\DefaultTemplate

If you are using Latte version 3, you can add new extension using:

		- Latte\Essential\TranslatorExtension(@Nette\Localization\Translator)

If you are using Latte version 2, you can register new tags either by entering the class name or by referring to the service. Method install() is called by default, but this can be changed by specifying the name of another method:

	# registration of user Latte tags
		- App\MyLatteMacros::register         # static method, classname or callable
		- @App\MyLatteMacrosFactory           # service with install method
		- @App\MyLatteMacrosFactory::register # service with register method

	- App\MyLatteMacrosFactory


Basic settings:

	# shows routing panel in Tracy Bar?
	debugger: ...   # (bool) defaults to true

	# to serialize router to DI container?
	cache: ...      # (bool) defaults to false

Router is usually defined in the RouterFactory class. Alternatively, routs can also be defined in the configuration using mask: action pairs, but this method does not offer such a wide variation in settings:

		'detail/<id>': Admin:Home:default
		'<presenter>/<action>': Front:Home:default


Creating PHP constants.

	Foobar: 'baz'

The Foobar constant will created after startup.

Constants should not serve as globally available variables. To pass values to objects, use dependency injection.


You can set PHP directives. An overview of all directives can be found at

	date.timezone: Europe/Prague

DI Services

These services are added to the DI container:

Name Type Description
application.application Nette\Application\Application full application launcher
application.linkGenerator Nette\Application\LinkGenerator LinkGenerator
application.presenterFactory Nette\Application\PresenterFactory presenter factory
application.### Nette\Application\UI\Presenter individual presenters
latte.latteFactory Nette\Bridges\ApplicationLatte\LatteFactory factory for Latte\Engine
latte.templateFactory Nette\Application\UI\TemplateFactory factory for $this->template
version: 4.0 3.x 2.x