Composing Presenters from Traits

If we need to implement the same code in multiple presenters (e.g. verification that the user is logged in), it is tempting to place the code in a common ancestor. The second option is to create single-purpose traits.

The advantage of this solution is that each presenter can use just the traits it actually needs, while multiple inheritance is not possible in PHP.

These traits can take advantage of the fact that all inject methods are called sequentially when the presenter is created. You just need to make sure that the name of each inject method is unique.

Traits can hang the initialization code into onStartup or onRender events.


trait RequireLoggedUser
	public function injectRequireLoggedUser(): void
		$this->onStartup[] = function () {
			if (!$this->getUser()->isLoggedIn()) {
				$this->redirect('Sign:in', $this->storeRequest());

trait StandardTemplateFilters
	public function injectStandardTemplateFilters(TemplateBuilder $builder): void
		$this->onRender[] = function () use ($builder) {

The presenter then simply uses these traits:

class ArticlePresenter extends Nette\Application\UI\Presenter
	use StandardTemplateFilters;
	use RequireLoggedUser;