Passing Settings to Presenters

Do you need to pass arguments to presenters that are not objects (e.g. information about whether it is running in debug mode, directory paths, etc.) and thus cannot be passed automatically by autowiring? The solution is to encapsulate them in a Settings object.

The Settings service is a very easy yet useful way to provide information about a running application to presenters. Its specific form depends entirely on your particular needs. Example:

namespace App;

class Settings
	public function __construct(
		// since PHP 8.1 it is possible to specify readonly
		public bool $debugMode,
		public string $appDir,
		// and so on
	) {}

Example of registration to the configuration:

	- App\Settings(

When the presenter needs the information provided by this service, he simply asks for it in the constructor:

class MyPresenter extends Nette\Application\UI\Presenter
	public function __construct(
		private App\Settings $settings,
	) {}

	public function renderDefault()
		if ($this->settings->debugMode) {
			// ...