Form Controls

Overview of built-in form controls.

addText (string|int $name, $label=null): TextInput

Adds single line text field (class TextInput). If the user does not fill in the field, it returns an empty string '', or use setNullable() to change it to return null.

$form->addText('name', 'Name:')

It automatically validates UTF-8, trims left and right whitespaces, and removes line breaks that could be sent by an attacker.

The maximum length can be limited using setMaxLength(). The addFilter() allows you to change the user-entered value.

Use setHtmlType() to change the character of input element to search, tel, url, range, date, datetime-local, month, time, week, color. Instead of the number and email types, we recommend using addInteger and addEmail, which provide server-side validation.

$form->addText('color', 'Choose color:')
	->addRule($form::PATTERN, 'invalid value', '[0-9a-f]{6}');

The so-called empty-value can be set for the element, which is something like the default value, but if the user does not overwrite it, returns empty string or null.

$form->addText('phone', 'Phone:')

addTextArea (string|int $name, $label=null): TextArea

Adds a multiline text field (class TextArea). If the user does not fill in the field, it returns an empty string '', or use setNullable() to change it to return null.

$form->addTextArea('note', 'Note:')
	->addRule($form::MAX_LENGTH, 'Your note is way too long', 10000);

Automatically validates UTF-8 and normalizes line breaks to \n. Unlike a single-line input field, it does not trim the whitespace.

The maximum length can be limited using setMaxLength(). The addFilter() allows you to change the user-entered value. You can set the so-called empty-value using setEmptyValue().

addInteger (string|int $name, $label=null): TextInput

Adds input field for integer (class TextInput). Returns either an integer or null if the user does not enter anything.

$form->addInteger('level', 'Level:')
	->addRule($form::RANGE, 'Level must be between %d and %d.', [0, 100]);

addEmail (string|int $name, $label=null): TextInput

Adds email address field with validity check (class TextInput). If the user does not fill in the field, it returns an empty string '', or use setNullable() to change it to return null.

$form->addEmail('email', 'Email:');

Verifies that the value is a valid email address. It does not verify that the domain actually exists, only the syntax is verified. Automatically validates UTF-8, trims left and right whitespaces.

The maximum length can be limited using setMaxLength(). The addFilter() allows you to change the user-entered value. You can set the so-called empty-value using setEmptyValue().

addPassword (string|int $name, $label=null): TextInput

Adds password field (class TextInput).

$form->addPassword('password', 'Password:')
	->addRule($form::MIN_LENGTH, 'Password has to be at least %d characters long', 8)
	->addRule($form::PATTERN, 'Password must contain a number', '.*[0-9].*');

When you re-send the form, the input will be blank. It automatically validates UTF-8, trims left and right whitespaces, and removes line breaks that could be sent by an attacker.

addCheckbox (string|int $name, $caption=null): Checkbox

Adds a checkbox (class Checkbox). The field returns either true or false, depending on whether it is checked.

$form->addCheckbox('agree', 'I agree with terms')
	->setRequired('You must agree with our terms');

addCheckboxList (string|int $name, $label=null, ?array $items=null): CheckboxList

Adds list of checkboxes for selecting multiple items (class CheckboxList). Returns the array of keys of the selected items. The getSelectedItems() method returns values instead of keys.

$form->addCheckboxList('colors', 'Colors:', [
	'r' => 'red',
	'g' => 'green',
	'b' => 'blue',

We pass the array of items as the third parameter, or by the setItems() method.

You can use setDisabled(['r', 'g']) to disable individual items.

The element automatically checks that there has been no forgery and that the selected items are actually one of the offered ones and have not been disabled. The getRawValue() method can be used to retrieve submitted items without this important check.

When default values are set, it also checks that they are one of the offered items, otherwise it throws an exception. This check can be turned off with checkDefaultValue(false).

addRadioList (string|int $name, $label=null, ?array $items=null): RadioList

Adds radio buttons (class RadioList). Returns the key of the selected item, or null if the user did not select anything. The getSelectedItem() method returns a value instead of a key.

$sex = [
	'm' => 'male',
	'f' => 'female',
$form->addRadioList('gender', 'Gender:', $sex);

We pass the array of items as the third parameter, or by the setItems() method.

You can use setDisabled(['m']) to disable individual items.

The element automatically checks that there has been no forgery and that the selected item is actually one of the offered ones and has not been disabled. The getRawValue() method can be used to retrieve the submitted item without this important check.

When default value is set, it also checks that it is one of the offered items, otherwise it throws an exception. This check can be turned off with checkDefaultValue(false).

addSelect (string|int $name, $label=null, ?array $items=null): SelectBox

Adds select box (class SelectBox). Returns the key of the selected item, or null if the user did not select anything. The getSelectedItem() method returns a value instead of a key.

$countries = [
	'CZ' => 'Czech republic',
	'SK' => 'Slovakia',
	'GB' => 'United Kingdom',

$form->addSelect('country', 'Country:', $countries)

We pass the array of items as the third parameter, or by the setItems() method. The array of items can also be two-dimensional:

$countries = [
	'Europe' => [
		'CZ' => 'Czech republic',
		'SK' => 'Slovakia',
		'GB' => 'United Kingdom',
	'CA' => 'Canada',
	'US' => 'USA',
	'?'  => 'other',

For select boxes, the first item often has a special meaning, it serves as a call-to-action. Use the setPrompt() method to add such an entry.

$form->addSelect('country', 'Country:', $countries)
	->setPrompt('Pick a country');

You can use setDisabled(['CZ', 'SK']) to disable individual items.

The element automatically checks that there has been no forgery and that the selected item is actually one of the offered ones and has not been disabled. The getRawValue() method can be used to retrieve the submitted item without this important check.

When default value is set, it also checks that it is one of the offered items, otherwise it throws an exception. This check can be turned off with checkDefaultValue(false).

addMultiSelect (string|int $name, $label=null, ?array $items=null): MultiSelectBox

Adds multichoice select box (class MultiSelectBox). Returns the array of keys of the selected items. The getSelectedItems() method returns values instead of keys.

$form->addMultiSelect('countries', 'Countries:', $countries);

We pass the array of items as the third parameter, or by the setItems() method. The array of items can also be two-dimensional.

You can use setDisabled(['CZ', 'SK']) to disable individual items.

The element automatically checks that there has been no forgery and that the selected items are actually one of the offered ones and have not been disabled. The getRawValue() method can be used to retrieve submitted items without this important check.

When default values are set, it also checks that they are one of the offered items, otherwise it throws an exception. This check can be turned off with checkDefaultValue(false).

addUpload (string|int $name, $label=null): UploadControl

Adds file upload field (class UploadControl). Returns the FileUpload object, even if the user has not uploaded a file, which can be find out by the FileUpload::hasFile() method.

$form->addUpload('avatar', 'Avatar:')
	->setRequired(false) // nepovinný
	->addRule($form::IMAGE, 'Avatar must be JPEG, PNG or GIF')
	->addRule($form::MAX_FILE_SIZE, 'Maximum size is 1 MB', 1024 * 1024);

If the file did not upload correctly, the form was not submitted successfully and an error is displayed. I.e. it is not necessary to check the FileUpload::isOk() method.

Do not trust the original file name returned by method FileUpload::getName(), a client could send a malicious filename with the intention to corrupt or hack your application.

Rules MIME_TYPE and IMAGE detect required type of file or image by its signature. The integrity of the entire file is not checked. You can find out if an image is not corrupted for example by trying to load it.

addMultiUpload (string|int $name, $label=null): UploadControl

Adds multiple file upload field (class UploadControl). Returns an array of objects FileUpload. The FileUpload::hasFile() method will return true for each of them.

$form->addMultiUpload('files', 'Files:')
	->addRule($form::MAX_LENGTH, 'A maximum of %d files can be uploaded', 10);

If one of the files fails to upload correctly, the form was not submitted successfully and an error is displayed. I.e. it is not necessary to check the FileUpload::isOk() method.

Do not trust the original file names returned by method FileUpload::getName(), a client could send a malicious filename with the intention to corrupt or hack your application.

Rules MIME_TYPE and IMAGE detect required type of file or image by its signature. The integrity of the entire file is not checked. You can find out if an image is not corrupted for example by trying to load it.

addHidden (string|int $name, ?string $default=null): HiddenField

Adds hidden field (class HiddenField).


Use setNullable() to change it to return null instead of an empty string. The addFilter() allows you to change the submitted value.

addSubmit (string|int $name, $caption=null): SubmitButton

Adds submit button (class SubmitButton).

$form->addSubmit('submit', 'Register');

It is possible to have more than one submit button in the form:

$form->addSubmit('register', 'Register');
$form->addSubmit('cancel', 'Cancel');

To find out which of them was clicked, use:

if ($form['register']->isSubmittedBy()) {
  // ...

If you don't want to validate the form when a submit button is pressed (such as Cancel or Preview buttons), you can turn it off with setValidationScope().

addButton (string|int $name, $caption)Button

Adds button (class Button) without submit function. It is useful for binding other functionality to id, for example a JavaScript action.

$form->addButton('raise', 'Raise salary')
	->setHtmlAttribute('onclick', 'raiseSalary()');

addImage (string|int $name, ?string $src=null, ?string $alt=null): ImageButton

Adds submit button in form of an image (class ImageButton).

$form->addImage('submit', '/path/to/image');

When using multiple submit buttons, you can find out which one was clicked with $form['submit']->isSubmittedBy().

addContainer (string|int $name): Container

Adds a sub-form (class Container), or a container, which can be treated the same way as a form. That means you can use methods like setDefaults() or getValues().

$sub1 = $form->addContainer('first');
$sub1->addText('name', 'Your name:');
$sub1->addEmail('email', 'Email:');

$sub2 = $form->addContainer('second');
$sub2->addText('name', 'Your name:');
$sub2->addEmail('email', 'Email:');

The sent data is then returned as a multidimensional structure:

	'first' => [
		'name' => /* ... */,
		'email' => /* ... */,
	'second' => [
		'name' => /* ... */,
		'email' => /* ... */,

Other Settings

For all form controls, the default value can be set using setDefaultValue() and current value returns getValue().

The caption can be changed with setCaption(string|object $caption).

You can change the individual attributes of HTML element using setHtmlAttribute(). Additionally, the setHtmlId($id), getHtmlId() and getHtmlName() methods are available for the id and name attributes.

For individual form controls is possible to set translator via setTranslator().

You can also assign user data to controls using setOption($key, $value) and read them using getOption($key). For example, you can pass information to controls that you use for render.

You can also set validation rules using the addRule(), addCondition() and other methods.

Omitted Values

If you are not interested in the value entered by the user, we can use setOmitted() to omit it from the result provided by the $form->getValues​() method or passed to handlers. This is suitable for various passwords for verification, antispam fields, etc.

$form->addPassword('passwordVerify', 'Password again:')
	->setRequired('Fill your password again to check for typo')
	->addRule($form::EQUAL, 'Password mismatch', $form['password'])

Disabling Inputs

In order to disable an input, you can call setDisabled(). Such a field cannot be edited by the user.

$form->addText('username', 'User name:')

Note that the browser does not send the disabled fields to the server at all, so you won't even find them in the data returned by the $form->getValues() function.

If you are setting a default value for a field, you must do so only after disabling it:

$form->addText('username', 'User name:')

Custom Controls

Besides wide range of built-in form controls you can add custom controls to the form as follows:

$form->addComponent(new DateInput('Date:'), 'date');
// alternative syntax: $form['date'] = new DateInput('Date:');

There is a way to define new form methods for adding custom elements (eg $form->addZip()). These are the so-called extension methods. The downside is that code hints in editors won't work for them.

use Nette\Forms\Container;

// adds method addZip(string $name, string $label = null)
Container::extensionMethod('addZip', function (Container $form, $name, $label = null) {
	return $form->addText($name, $label)
		->addRule($form::PATTERN, 'At least 5 numbers', '[0-9]{5}');

// usage
$form->addZip('zip', 'ZIP code:');

Low-Level Fields

To add an item to the form, you don't have to call $form->addXyz(). Form items can be introduced exclusively in templates instead. This is useful if you, for example, need to generate dynamic items:

{foreach $items as $item}
	<p><input type=checkbox name="sel[]" value={$item->id}> {$item->name}</p>

After submission, you can retrieve the values:

$data = $form->getHttpData($form::DATA_TEXT, 'sel[]');
$data = $form->getHttpData($form::DATA_TEXT | $form::DATA_KEYS, 'sel[]');

In the first parameter, you specify element type (DATA_FILE for type=file, DATA_LINE for one-line inputs like text, password or email and DATA_TEXT for the rest). The second parameter matches HTML attribute name. If you need to preserve keys, you can combine the first parameter with DATA_KEYS. This is useful for select, radioList or checkboxList.

The getHttpData() returns sanitized input. In this case, it will always be array of valid UTF-8 strings, no matter what the attacker sent by the form. It's an alternative to working with $_POST or $_GET directly if you want to receive safe data.

version: 4.0 3.x 2.x